10/28/2024, 12:30 PM UTC
巴伦发现基金2024年第三季度股东信Baron Discovery Fund Q3 2024 Shareholder Letter
1. 巴伦发现基金在2024年第三季度跑赢了其基准指数——Russell 2000增长指数。2. 基金的主要贡献者是CareDx、Axon Enterprise和Tempus AI。3. 基金最大的投资是TWFG,一家保险经纪人。4. 基金认为小盘成长股的熊市正在结束。5. 基金预计小盘成长股在中长期内将跑赢大盘。1. The Baron Discovery Fund outperformed its benchmark, the Russell 2000 Growth Index, in Q3 2024. 2. The Fund's top contributors were CareDx, Axon Enterprise, and Tempus AI. 3. The Fund's largest purchase was TWFG, an insurance broker. 4. The Fund believes the bear market in small-cap growth stocks is ending. 5. The Fund expects small-cap growth stocks to outperform in the medium to long term.
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