10/25/2024, 04:05 AM UTC
成功SPICE设计者的7个习惯The 7 Habits of Highly Successful SPICE Designers
➀ 经验丰富的SPICE设计者Mike Engelhardt分享了绘制电路图的最佳实践;➁ 他的建议无意中引出了我们的模拟编辑器讨论前导零的使用;➂ 主要关注提高基于SPICE的电路模拟的效率和准确性。➀ Mike Engelhardt, an experienced SPICE designer, offers valuable insights into best practices for drawing schematics; ➁ His advice inadvertently leads our Analog Editor to discuss the use of leading zeroes; ➂ The focus is on improving the efficiency and accuracy of SPICE-based circuit simulations.