08/01/2024, 06:13 PM UTC
Mac版Twitter应用已从App Store下架The Mac app for Twitter appears gone for good, after being removed from the App Store
1、Mac版Twitter应用已从Mac App Store下架,标志着该平台桌面存在的终结。2、拥有Apple Silicon Mac的用户现在可以使用iPad版X作为替代,而旧款Mac用户则需要通过网页浏览器访问X。3、Mac应用的下架引发了对其未来功能性的疑问,因为X可能随时永久禁用该应用。1. The official Twitter app for Mac has been removed from the Mac App Store, marking the end of an era for the platform's desktop presence. 2. Users with Apple Silicon Macs can now use the iPad version of X as an alternative, while older Mac users will need to access X through a web browser. 3. The removal of the Mac app raises questions about its future functionality, as X could disable it permanently at any time.