12/03/2024, 01:00 AM UTC
电子数据处理行业爆炸性增长Explosive Growth For EDP
➀ 明尼阿波利斯-霍尼韦尔电子数据处理部门总裁沃尔特·W·芬克预测,电子数据处理行业在未来几年将出现爆炸性增长。➁ 预计业务和工业数据处理将出现实质性增长,由“新一代”计算机驱动。➂ 他认为,到1965年,美国行业的计算机产出将超过10亿英镑。➀ Mr. Walter W Finke, president of Minneapolis-Honeywell’s Electronic Data Processing Division, predicts explosive growth in the electronic data processing industry over the next few years. ➁ The substantial growth is expected in business and industrial data processing, driven by 'new generation' computers. ➂ By 1965, he believes the US industry's computer output will reach over £1 billion.---