09/29/2024, 10:22 PM UTC
SpaceX极光黎明号机组分享太空壮丽影像SpaceX Polaris Dawn Crew Shares Stunning Images Of Space
➀ 极光黎明号任务,包括首次商业太空行走,达到地球上方1,408.1公里的最高远地点。 ➁ 机组人员安娜‘沃克’门农拍摄了地球太空的惊人图像。 ➂ 该任务是由贾里德·艾萨克曼和SpaceX合作的一部分,包括新SpaceX火箭星船的首次载人飞行。➀ The Polaris Dawn mission, including the first commercial spacewalk, reached a peak apogee of 1,408.1 kilometers above Earth. ➁ Crew member Anna 'Walker' Menon captured stunning images of Earth from space. ➂ The mission is part of a collaboration between Jared Isaacman and SpaceX, including the first manned flight of the new SpaceX rocket Starship.