03/04/2025, 06:31 AM UTC
特朗普和蔡明忠宣布在亚利桑那州投资1000亿美元President Trump and C C Wei announce $100bn investment in Arizona
➀ 特朗普总统和蔡明忠宣布台积电在亚利桑那州投资1000亿美元,总投资达到1650亿美元;
➁ 该投资预计将创造数千个高薪工作岗位,并支持人工智能和智能手机的进步;
➂ 台积电计划在亚利桑那州再建三个晶圆厂和两个封装厂。
➀ President Trump and CC Wei announced a $100 billion investment by TSMC in Arizona, bringing the total investment to $165 billion;
➁ The investment is expected to create thousands of high-paying jobs and support the progress of AI and smartphones;
➂ TSMC plans to build three more fabs and two more packaging plants in Arizona.