06/26/2024, 08:48 PM UTC
新加坡MetaBora将在日本Zaif加密货币交易所上市BORAMetaBora Singapore to List BORA on Japanese Cryptocurrency Exchange Zaif
1、新加坡MetaBora宣布其区块链代币BORA将在日本加密货币交易所Zaif上市。2、BORA通过了日本虚拟货币交易所协会(JVCEA)的白名单审查,并获得了日本金融厅(FSA)的交易许可。3、交易计划于6月26日开始,旨在提升BORA在日本市场的知名度,并为即将推出的项目加强本地服务基础。1. MetaBora Singapore announced that its blockchain token BORA will be listed on the Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Zaif. 2. BORA passed the white list review by the Japan Virtual Currency Exchange Association (JVCEA) and received trading approval from the Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA). 3. Trading is scheduled to start on June 26, aiming to enhance BORA's presence in the Japanese market and strengthen local service bases for upcoming projects.