09/10/2024, 12:24 AM UTC
什么是可逆计算?Vaire 在做什么?What is reversible computing? And what is Vaire doing?
➀ 可逆计算是一种时间可逆的计算模型,旨在最小化热量产生;➁ Vaire Computing 正在开发使用可逆计算原理的近零能耗芯片;➂ 该公司希望通过其创新技术颠覆行业。➀ Reversible computing is a model where the computational process is time reversible, aiming to minimize heat generation; ➁ Vaire Computing is developing near-zero energy chips using reversible computing principles; ➂ The company aims to disrupt the industry with its innovative technology.