08/13/2024, 01:00 PM UTC
未来十年量子计算收入预计增长24倍24x increase in quantum computing revenues predicted in next decade
➀ Omdia预测全球量子计算收入将从2023年的11亿美元增长到2033年的282亿美元,增长24倍。➁ 北美和欧洲预计将主导市场,亚洲和大洋洲紧随其后。➂ 云端访问服务将占据收入的最大份额,其次是硬件、咨询和软件。➀ Omdia predicts a 24x increase in global quantum computing revenue from $1.1 billion in 2023 to $28.2 billion in 2033. ➁ North America and Europe are expected to lead the market, with Asia & Oceania closely following. ➂ Cloud-based access services will dominate revenue, followed by hardware, consulting, and software.