08/14/2024, 06:07 PM UTC
英超联赛将采用iPhone越位技术——本赛季的愤怒将指向苹果而非不称职的裁判English Premier League to adopt iPhone offside technology — rage at Apple instead of incompetent referees this season
1. 英超联赛将引入由iPhone驱动的新型半自动越位技术,名为'Dragon'。2. 该系统由Genius Sports和Second Spectrum开发,将在每个球场使用至少28个iPhone摄像头,从多个角度捕捉高帧率视频。3. 这项技术旨在取代目前经常缓慢且有时不准确的VAR系统,并可能在未来扩展到其他体育项目。1. The English Premier League is set to introduce a new semi-automated offside technology powered by iPhones, known as 'Dragon'. 2. This system, developed by Genius Sports and Second Spectrum, will use at least 28 iPhone cameras in each stadium to capture high-frame-rate video from multiple angles. 3. The technology aims to replace the current VAR system, which is often slow and sometimes incorrect, and could be expanded to other sports in the future.