11/19/2024, 09:24 AM UTC
钙钛矿在量子传感和自旋控制中的应用Using Perovskites for Quantum Sensing and Spin Control
➀ 美国阿贡国家实验室和伊利诺伊大学北部的科研人员发现了一种利用光检测钙钛矿材料中自旋状态的方法;➁ 通过向材料中添加镝,延长了激子的寿命,实现了电子之间的自旋纠缠和通信;➂ 该研究有望为新型量子计算材料和先进的量子传感器开辟新的途径。➀ Researchers at Argonne National Laboratory and Northern Illinois University discovered a method to detect spin states in perovskite materials using light; ➁ By adding neodymium to the material, the exciton lifetime is extended, enabling spin entanglement and communication between electrons; ➂ This research could lead to new quantum computing materials and advanced quantum sensors.