11/15/2024, 06:15 PM UTC
《波斯流浪王子》即将迎来视觉大升级The Rogue Prince of Persia to get visual overhaul in upcoming update
➀ 《波斯流浪王子》即将在即将到来的“第二幕”更新中迎来视觉大升级;➁ 11月21日发布的更新将添加更多生物群落、Boss和叙事内容;➂ 最显著的变化是艺术风格的全面重新设计。➀ The game 'The Rogue Prince of Persia' is set to receive a visual overhaul in its upcoming 'Second Act' update; ➁ The update, arriving on November 21st, will add more biomes, bosses, and narrative content; ➂ The most significant change is the art style, which has been completely redesigned.