06/16/2024, 11:23 PM UTC
美国众议院通过大疆无人机禁令——'反制中共无人机法案'若在参议院通过将禁止大疆在美国销售DJI drone ban passes in U.S. House — 'Countering CCP Drones Act' would ban all DJI sales in U.S. if passed in Senate
1、作为2025年美国国防开支法案的一部分,'反制中共无人机法案'已在众议院获得通过。2、若该法案在参议院获得批准,将导致大疆无人机在美国全面禁售。1. The Countering CCP Drones Act has been passed in the U.S. House of Representatives as part of the 2025 annual defense spending act. 2. If the act is approved by the Senate, it will result in a ban on all DJI drone sales in the U.S.