01/20/2025, 12:10 PM UTC
使用IndusBoard Coin和MCU在边缘运行AI的现场DIYLIVE DIY: Running AI On Edge Using IndusBoard Coin And MCUs
➀ 本文提供了一个教程,介绍如何在边缘微控制器(MCU)上创建和运行机器学习模型。
➁ 它涵盖了从MCU收集数据集并将传感器数据转发到Edge Impulse的过程。
➂ 本文还教授了如何设计基于AI的手势检测和预测系统。
➀ This article provides a tutorial on how to create and run machine learning models on microcontrollers (MCUs) at the edge.
➁ It covers the process of collecting datasets and forwarding sensor data from MCUs to Edge Impulse.
➂ The article also teaches how to design an AI-based gesture detection and prediction system.
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