06/14/2024, 12:35 PM UTC
YouTube测试难以屏蔽的广告YouTube Tests Hard-to-Block Advertising
1、YouTube加强了对抗广告拦截器的力度,意识到了这些用户的财务潜力。2、该平台正在试验服务器端集成的广告,这些广告难以被插件广告拦截器屏蔽。3、这一举措虽然不太可能终结广告拦截器,但会使得它们的效果变得复杂。影响包括可能损害现有的时间戳和需要排除高级订阅者,这可能导致广告拦截器开发者进一步调整其软件。1. YouTube has intensified its efforts against ad blockers, recognizing the financial potential of these users. 2. The platform is experimenting with server-side integrated advertising, which is difficult for plugin ad blockers to block. 3. This move, while not likely to end ad blockers, complicates their effectiveness. The implications include potential damage to existing timestamps and the need to exclude premium subscribers, which could lead to further adjustments by ad blocker developers.