12/02/2024, 05:11 PM UTC
仿真软件提升建筑应对气候变化的能力Simulation Software Boosts Climate Resilience in Buildings
➀ 慕尼黑工业大学开发了仿真软件,用于识别风险和计算极端天气事件相关的成本。 ➁ 软件评估建筑损坏和停机时间,重点关注洪水和高风场景。 ➂ 该平台有助于评估与气候变化相关的财务影响,并确定减少损害的策略。➀ The Fraunhofer Institute has developed a simulation software to identify risks and calculate costs associated with extreme weather events. ➁ The software evaluates damage to buildings and downtime, focusing on flooding and high wind scenarios. ➂ The platform helps in assessing the financial impacts of climate-related events and identifies strategies to reduce damage.