09/30/2024, 12:57 PM UTC
台积电和三星在阿联酋探索价值1000亿美元的芯片超级工厂TSMC and Samsung Explore $100 Billion Chip Mega Factories in UAE
➀ 台积电和三星正在与阿联酋初步讨论建立价值超过1000亿美元的巨型芯片制造设施;➁ 两国公司的执行官员已评估了建设先进制造工厂的可行性;➂ 项目预计将主要由阿联酋政府资助,并得到阿布扎比的主权财富基金穆巴达拉的支持;➃ 这些工厂旨在增强全球芯片生产容量,特别是AI技术;➄ 对将先进芯片技术转移到中国的潜在担忧已经提出。➀ TSMC and Samsung are in preliminary discussions with the UAE to establish massive chip manufacturing facilities valued at over $100 billion; ➁ The feasibility of building advanced manufacturing complexes has been assessed by executives from both companies; ➂ The projects are expected to be funded primarily by the UAE government with support from Abu Dhabi's sovereign wealth fund, Mubadala; ➃ The factories aim to bolster global chip production capacity for AI technologies; ➄ Concerns have been raised about the potential transfer of advanced chip technology to China.