07/14/2024, 07:05 PM UTC
研究团队计划三年内构建DNA硬盘——团队计划建立用于数据存档的DNA微型工厂Research team working on building a DNA hard drive within three years — team plans to build a working DNA micro-factory for data archiving
❶ Genomika与考纳斯理工大学超声波研究所合作,通过欧洲委员会资助的DINAMIC项目,正在开发基于DNA的存储驱动器。❷ 该项目旨在利用DNA的核苷酸作为二进制数据的代表,创建一种可持续且高密度的数据存储解决方案,以应对日益增长的长久数据存储需求。❸ DNA存储技术有望通过减少水消耗和对稀土金属的依赖,显著降低环境影响,并在医疗等领域有广泛应用潜力。❶ Genomika, along with the Ultrasound Research Institute at Kaunas University of Technology, is developing a DNA-based storage drive through the DINAMIC project, funded by the European Commission. ❷ The project aims to create a sustainable and high-density data storage solution using DNA's nucleobases to represent binary data, addressing the growing need for long-term data storage. ❸ DNA storage could significantly reduce environmental impact by minimizing water consumption and reliance on rare earth metals, with potential applications in healthcare and beyond.