07/29/2024, 08:01 AM UTC
艾德惹恼了纹章学院Ed Upsets The College Of Heralds
1、CEO艾德因商业化其纹章与纹章学院产生纠纷。2、纹章学院的Garter King of Arms通过具有历史法律效力的骑士法庭威胁采取法律行动。3、艾德作为纹章持有者的权利及其潜在的政治生涯受到影响,这关系到他是否重返政府。1. Ed, a CEO, faces issues with the College of Arms over his commercialization of his Coat of Arms. 2. The Garter King of Arms threatens legal action through the Court of Chivalry, which has historical legal force. 3. Ed's potential political career and his rights as a holder of Letters Patent are at stake, influencing his decision on whether to return to government.