09/20/2024, 01:50 PM UTC
医疗地产信托:收益之路比以往任何时候都更清晰Medical Properties Trust: The Path To Gains Is Clearer Than Ever
1、医疗地产信托股票交易价格远低于其账面价值,预计有约50%的上涨空间。2、与Steward Health的近期和解解决了重大问题,使MPW重新控制了23家医院并确保了新租户。3、随着MPW分红减少、按正常FFO计算保持盈利以及从美联储的利率削减中受益,账面价值可以随着时间的推移而增加。1. Medical Properties Trust stock is trading at a significant discount to its book value, suggesting around 50% upside potential. 2. The recent settlement with Steward Health has resolved major issues, allowing MPW to regain control of 23 hospitals and secure new tenants. 3. Book value can increase over time as MPW pays less in dividends, remains profitable on a normalized FFO basis, and benefits from the Federal Reserve's rate cuts.