10/14/2024, 07:38 PM UTC
纳米操控技术在电子设备中的进步Advances in Nanoscale Manipulation Transform Electronic Devices
➀ 奥克里奇国家实验室的研究团队开发了一种在铁电体中创建精确原子排列的新技术;➁ 该技术使用电笔选择性地改变电偶极子的方向;➂ 这项进步可能导致用于6G时代低功耗纳米电子学和高速宽带通信的材料;➃ 该研究可能会显著提高未来计算系统的处理能力和效率。➀ A research team at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has developed a novel technique for creating precise atomic arrangements in ferroelectrics; ➁ The technique uses an electric stylus to alter electric dipoles in selected directions; ➂ This advancement could lead to low-power nanoelectronics and high-speed broadband communications for the 6G era; ➃ The research could significantly enhance the processing power and efficiency of future computing systems.