08/01/2024, 08:51 PM UTC
德国政府召见中国大使,抗议'国家控制的中国网络犯罪分子'的攻击German gov summons China ambassador to complain about attack from 'state-controlled Chinese cyber criminals'
❶ 德国政府召见中国大使,抗议2021年国家控制的中国网络行为者对联邦测绘和大地测量局(BKG)的网络攻击。❷ BKG负责德国的测绘和地理数据,对国家安全和关键基础设施提供者至关重要。❸ 德国政府通过了一项草案法律,要求关键行业的大型组织实施欧洲NIS 2指令,突显了系统的脆弱性。❶ Germany has summoned the Chinese ambassador to protest a cyberattack by state-controlled Chinese cyber actors on the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG) in 2021. ❷ The BKG, responsible for mapping and geodata in Germany, is crucial for state security and critical infrastructure providers. ❸ The German government has passed a draft law requiring large organizations in crucial industries to implement the European NIS 2 Directive, highlighting the vulnerability of the system.