07/16/2024, 01:06 PM UTC
2033年海上卫星通信市场将翻倍增长Maritime satellite comms to double by 2033
1、海上卫星通信市场预计到2033年将翻倍增长,主要归功于Starlink的影响。2、非地球同步轨道(NGSO)解决方案预计将主导市场,市场份额从20%上升到90%。3、服务收入和带宽使用量预计将大幅增加,这得益于配备VSAT的船舶数量增加和某些细分市场中的平均收入用户(ARPU)提高。1. The maritime satellite communication market is expected to double by 2033, with significant growth attributed to Starlink's impact. 2. Non-Geostationary Orbit (NGSO) solutions are projected to dominate the market, rising from 20% to 90% share. 3. Service revenues and bandwidth usage are anticipated to increase substantially, driven by the growing number of VSAT-equipped vessels and higher ARPU.