11/01/2024, 04:07 PM UTC
德国半导体行业新教育倡议New Educational Initiative for the German Semiconductor Industry
➀ 德国联邦项目“skills4chips”旨在通过建立一个国家级教育学院来保障半导体行业的技术人才。➁ “Microtec学院”将响应对技能人才日益增长的需求,并由柏林费迪南德·布劳恩研究所协调。➂ 由联邦教育和研究部资助的项目将专注于微电子和微系统技术的提升和再培训,为期四年,预算为1200万欧元。➀ The German federal project 'skills4chips' aims to secure skilled professionals for the semiconductor industry by establishing a national educational academy. ➁ The 'Microtec Academy' is set to respond to the growing demand for skilled workers and will be coordinated by the Berlin Ferdinand-Braun-Institut. ➂ The project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, will focus on upskilling and reskilling in microelectronics and microsystem technology, with a budget of 12 million euros over four years.