09/23/2024, 04:55 PM UTC
谷歌:夏季高点后的最可怕的大科技公司交易(评级下调)Google: The Scariest Big-Tech Trading After Summer Highs (Rating Downgrade)
1. 作者因估值担忧、监管风险上升和技术动量模式的急剧恶化,将谷歌-Alphabet评级下调至卖出。2. 自7月初以来,股价表现不及标准普尔500指数和纳斯达克100指数。3. 用于增长的必要资本支出,特别是在人工智能领域,对自由现金流和投资吸引力产生了负面影响。1. The author downgrades Google-Alphabet to Sell due to valuation concerns, rising regulatory risks, and a sharply deteriorating technical momentum pattern. 2. Shares have underperformed the S&P 500 and NASDAQ 100 since early July. 3. Required capital expenditures for growth, particularly in AI, have negatively impacted free cash flow and investment attractiveness.
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