08/18/2024, 11:52 PM UTC
苹果供应链透露M4 MacBook将提前到来Apple Supply Chain Tips M4 MacBook Arriving Sooner Than Expected
1、M4 MacBook Pro型号预计将在今年第四季度推出,10月份的活动可能性较大。2、所有MacBook型号都将配备新的M4芯片,包括更实惠的14英寸版本。3、苹果的其他设备,如Mac mini和iMac,也可能在今年年底前升级到M4芯片。1. The M4 MacBook Pro models are expected to launch in the fourth quarter of this year, with an October event likely. 2. All MacBook models will receive the new M4 chip, including a more affordable 14-inch version. 3. Other Apple devices, such as the Mac mini and iMac, may also upgrade to the M4 chip by the end of the year.