06/20/2024, 03:32 AM UTC
《银河战士Prime 4》在当前Switch上运行为720p,Switch 2上会是4K吗?Metroid Prime 4 will run at 720p on the current Switch, will it be 4K on Switch 2?
1、《银河战士Prime 4》在当前Nintendo Switch上以720p分辨率运行;2、它在手持模式下将以更低的分辨率运行;3、游戏在当前Switch硬件上的视觉和性能表明它可能是从Switch 2版本降级而来;4、任天堂可能会在可预见的未来发布跨代游戏版本;5、《银河战士Prime 4》有可能在Switch 2上以1080p或4K分辨率运行,并具有增强的资产和技术,如DLSS。1. Metroid Prime 4 runs at 720p docked on the current Nintendo Switch; 2. It will run at a lower resolution in handheld mode; 3. The game's visuals and performance on the current Switch hardware suggest it may be downgraded from a Switch 2 version; 4. Nintendo is likely to release cross-gen versions of games for the foreseeable future; 5. There is a possibility that Metroid Prime 4 could run at 1080p or 4K on Switch 2 with enhanced assets and technologies like DLSS.---