11/01/2024, 01:06 PM UTC
超微计算机:投资者不应该问的许多问题Super Micro Computer: Many Questions Investors Shouldn't Even Bother Asking
1. 超微计算机的审计师在之前的不良消息中辞职,包括10-K报告延迟提交和纳斯达克退市威胁;2. 作者最初建议持有,但现在建议卖出;3. 文章讨论了作者的投资哲学和金融生涯。1. Super Micro Computer's auditor resigned amidst previous bad news, including delayed 10-K filing and NASDAQ delisting threat; 2. The author had a 'Hold' recommendation initially but now advises 'Sell'; 3. The article discusses the author's investment philosophy and career in finance.