06/21/2024, 01:06 PM UTC
Elektra Awards 2024报名截止日期仅剩一个月Elektra deadline: One month left for Elektra Awards 2024 entries
1、Elektra Awards 2024的报名截止日期即将到来,距离7月19日仅剩不到一个月。2、由Electronics Weekly主办,该奖项旨在表彰全球电子行业的杰出成就。3、颁奖典礼将于2024年12月10日在IET伦敦的Savoy Place举行,设有16个类别,包括汽车电子奖和年度初创企业奖。1. The Elektra Awards 2024 entry deadline is approaching, with less than a month left until July 19, 2024. 2. Organized by Electronics Weekly, the awards recognize achievements in the global electronics industry. 3. The event will be held on December 10, 2024, at the IET London, Savoy Place, featuring 16 categories including Automotive Electronics Award and Start-up of the Year.