02/08/2025, 06:39 AM UTC
Klepierre:业绩良好,希望我的持股量更大Klepierre: Good Performance, Wish My Position Was Larger
1. Klepierre是一家在欧洲城市拥有强大购物中心组合的欧洲零售REIT,提供6.32%的收益率和BBB+评级。2. 尽管基本面令人印象深刻,但预计增长将较慢,2024年EBITDA增长4%。3. 公司交易价格低于其EPRA NTA,提供10%的折价,但美国REIT提供更具吸引力的投资机会。我给予Klepierre每股31欧元的'买入'评级。1. Klepierre, a European Retail REIT with a strong portfolio of shopping malls in central European cities, offers a 6.32% yield and BBB+ rating. 2. Despite impressive fundamentals, growth is expected to be slower with a 4% EBITDA increase in 2024. 3. The company trades below its EPRA NTA, presenting a 10% discount, but US-based REITs offer more attractive opportunities. I rate Klepierre a 'Buy' at €31/share.---