08/23/2024, 07:00 PM UTC
微软飞行模拟器迎来第17次世界更新Microsoft Flight Simulator gets 17th World Update
1、微软飞行模拟器进行了第17次世界更新,重点更新了德国、奥地利和瑞士。2、此次更新对10个城市进行了视觉重制,并新增了116个兴趣点。3、更新还包括三个手工制作的机场和九项额外活动。1. Microsoft Flight Simulator receives its 17th World Update, focusing on Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. 2. The update includes a visual overhaul of 10 cities and introduces 116 new points of interest. 3. Three new handcrafted airports and nine additional activities are also part of the update.