11/07/2024, 01:04 PM UTC
特朗普获胜后,房利美优先股仍是好的投资选择Fannie Preferreds Remain Good Bet After Trump Win
1、特朗普再次当选总统后,房利美和 Freddie Mac 的优先股价格飙升 60-80%;2、FNMAT 的价格在 2016 年选举后翻了一番多,预计在即将到来的权力更迭后会有类似的涨幅;3、关键发展包括特朗普任命新的财政部长和由于最高法院的决定可能立即更换 FHFA 主席。1. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac preferred stock prices surged 60-80% following Donald Trump's re-election; 2. FNMAT's price more than doubled post-2016 election, with similar gains expected after the upcoming power swap; 3. Key developments include Trump's new Treasury secretary appointment and potential immediate FHFA chief replacement.
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