09/24/2024, 09:04 PM UTC
训练人工智能模型的花费The Cost Of Training AI Models
➀ 根据Epoch AI发布的数据,过去一年中训练人工智能模型的花费大幅上升;➁ 来自谷歌的大语言模型Gemini的训练成本据报介于3000万到1.91亿美元之间;➂ 2023年发布的OpenAI的ChatGPT-4,其技术创建成本在4100万到7800万美元之间。➀ The cost of training AI models has surged in the past year, as indicated by data from Epoch AI; ➁ The training cost for Gemini, a large language model from Google, ranges from $30 to $191 million; ➂ OpenAI's ChatGPT-4, released in 2023, had a technical creation cost between $41 million and $78 million.