11/14/2024, 10:15 PM UTC
无需压力的每月5000美元收入投资组合,为您的退休生活提供资金Stress-Free $5,000 Monthly Income Portfolio To Fund Your Retirement
1、以收入为导向的策略具有优势,如不关注价格变动,无需动用本金即可实现投资目标。2、投资组合和证券必须足够防御性,以避免股息削减风险,并且收益率相对较高,以减少实现特定收入目标所需的资本。3、文章提供了一个样本投资组合和具体的/防御性的投资选择,从85.5万美元的投资基础上产生每月5000美元的收入。1. Income-focused strategies offer advantages such as not focusing on price movements and funding investment goals without touching principal. 2. The portfolio and securities must be defensive to avoid dividend cut risk and have high yields to reduce the capital required for the income target. 3. The article provides a sample portfolio and specific/defensive investment picks that generate $5,000 in monthly income from an investment base of $855,000.