08/15/2024, 07:28 PM UTC
项目启动:量子计算软件堆栈创新概念Project Launch: Innovation Concept for Quantum Computing Software Stack
➀ 弗劳恩霍夫劳动经济和组织研究所(Fraunhofer IAO)与合作伙伴共同开发量子计算机全面软件堆栈的创新概念。➁ 目标是创建一个统一框架,促进量子计算技术从实验室到实际应用的无缝集成。➂ 该项目得到联邦经济和气候行动部的支持,旨在加强德国和欧洲在量子计算领域的技术主权。➀ The Fraunhofer IAO, in collaboration with partners, is developing an innovation concept for a comprehensive software stack for quantum computers. ➁ The goal is to create a unified framework to facilitate the seamless integration of quantum computing technologies from the lab to practical applications. ➂ This project, supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, aims to strengthen technological sovereignty in quantum computing for Germany and Europe.