09/03/2024, 04:00 PM UTC
65个有前景的提交和HAL2025创新竞赛中的公众强烈兴趣65 Promising Submissions and Strong Public Interest in HAL2025 Innovation Contest
➀ 网络安全创新机构有限公司成功完成了全国HAL2025创意竞赛的第一阶段,该竞赛旨在识别'集群中自主智能系统'领域的创新解决方案。➁ 竞赛收到了65份提交,突显了这一面向未来主题的潜力。➂ 内部评审团现在将评估提交的作品,入围者将获得资金将他们的想法发展成全面的概念。➀ The Cybersecurity Innovation Agency GmbH has successfully completed the first phase of the nationwide HAL2025 ideas contest, which aims to identify innovative solutions in the field of 'Autonomous Intelligent Systems in Swarms.' ➁ The contest received 65 submissions, highlighting the potential of this future-oriented topic. ➂ The internal jury will now evaluate the submissions, with finalists receiving funding to develop their ideas into comprehensive concepts.