11/11/2024, 07:00 AM UTC
征稿启事:第12届海德堡数学与计算机科学青年研究者论坛Call for Applications: The 12th Heidelberg Laureate Forum for Young Researchers in Mathematics and Computer Science
➀ 海德堡数学与计算机科学青年研究者论坛基金会邀请全球的数学与计算机科学青年研究者申请参加第12届论坛。论坛为年轻研究者提供了与该领域享有盛誉的奖项获得者互动的独特机会。申请从2024年11月11日至2025年2月11日开放。论坛将于2025年9月14日至19日举行。 ➁ 论坛促进青年研究者之间的科学对话、网络交流和合作。论坛以其引人入胜的讲座、讨论和互动节目而闻名。 ➂ 申请过程由国际委员会仔细审查,以选择最合格的候选人。➀ The Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation invites applications from young researchers in mathematics and computer science worldwide to participate in the 12th HLF. The forum offers a unique opportunity to interact with laureates of prestigious prizes in their fields. Applications are open from November 11, 2024, to February 11, 2025. The event will take place from September 14 to 19, 2025. ➁ The HLF promotes scientific dialogue, networking, and collaboration among young researchers. It is supported by renowned institutions and is known for its engaging lectures, discussions, and interactive programs. ➂ The application process is reviewed by an international committee to select the most qualified candidates.