08/26/2024, 05:37 PM UTC
弗劳恩霍夫HHI研究所探索太空组件的热管理技术Fraunhofer HHI Explores Thermal Management of Space Components
➀ 弗劳恩霍夫海因里希赫兹研究所(HHI)开发了一种新方法,使用反应性气体辅助纳秒激光加工铝合金,为航天器电子箱生产具有高热发射率的表面结构。➁ 由联邦经济事务和气候行动部资助的NanoBLAST项目旨在扩大规模并商业化这项技术。➂ 该项目专注于优化激光参数并为具有曲率和凹槽的真实组件调整激光设置,这是在太空适当热调节方面的重要进展。➀ Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) has developed a new method for producing thermally emissive surface structures using reactive gas-assisted nanosecond laser processing on aluminum alloys for spacecraft electronic boxes. ➁ The NanoBLAST project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, aims to scale up and commercialize this technology. ➂ The project focuses on optimizing laser parameters and adapting the laser setup for real components with curvatures and recesses, marking a significant advancement in space-appropriate thermal regulation.