10/15/2024, 01:22 PM UTC
越南半导体计划:到2050年拥有3家晶圆厂、300家设计公司和20个封装测试设施Vietnam semi plan
➀ 越南计划到2050年建立3家晶圆厂、300家设计公司和20个封装测试设施;➁ 由总理范明政签署的计划旨在2024年至2030年期间吸引外国投资以建立研究、设计、制造和测试能力;➂ 到2030年,该行业预计实现250亿美元的收入,增值贡献率为10-15%。➀ Vietnam aims to establish 3 fabs, 300 design houses, and 20 packaging and testing facilities by 2050; ➁ The plan, signed off by Prime Minister Pham Minh, focuses on attracting foreign investment for research, design, manufacturing, and testing capabilities between 2024 and 2030; ➂ By 2030, the industry expects to reach $25 billion in revenue with a 10-15% value-added contribution.