09/20/2024, 07:16 PM UTC
英飞凌推出135V功率MOSFET,适用于72V和84V电池供电设备135V mosfets for 72V and 84V battery power
➀ 英飞凌推出了适用于72V和84V电池供电设备的135V功率MOSFET;➁ 这些MOSFET提供多种封装,Rds(on)值从2至14.3mΩ不等;➂ 应用领域包括轻型电动车、叉车、电动工具和不间断电源。➀ Infineon introduces 135V power mosfets for 72V and 84V battery-powered equipment; ➁ The mosfets are available in various packages and have Rds(on) values ranging from 2 to 14.3mΩ; ➂ Applications include light electric vehicles, forklifts, power tools, and uninterruptible power supplies.