12/11/2024, 08:55 AM UTC
摩根士丹利直接贷款基金:低风险10%收益Morgan Stanley Direct Lending: A Low-Risk 10% Yield
1、摩根士丹利直接贷款基金提供10%的股息收益率,拥有强大的品牌支持和发展潜力。2、该基金的低风险投资组合,96%为高级抵押贷款,以及多元化的借款人基础,降低了整体投资风险。3、尽管利率下降,该基金的组合增长和低杠杆水平保持了每股净投资收入的稳定。1. The Morgan Stanley Direct Lending Fund offers a 10% dividend yield with strong brand backing and growth potential. 2. The fund's low-risk portfolio, with 96% in senior secured debt, and diversified borrower base reduce overall investment risk. 3. Despite interest rate declines, the fund's portfolio growth and low leverage levels have maintained stable net investment income per share.---