01/28/2025, 11:00 AM UTC
微软对支持任天堂Switch 2表示期待Xbox is “really looking forward to supporting [Nintendo] with the games that we have”
➀ 微软期待用他们拥有的游戏支持任天堂;➁ 微软游戏部门CEO菲尔·斯宾塞表达了对任天堂创新的赞赏;➂ 微软有义务将《使命召唤》系列带到任天堂系统;➃ 近年来,许多Xbox独家游戏已被带到Switch平台。➀ Microsoft is looking forward to supporting Nintendo with the games they have; ➁ Phil Spencer, CEO of Microsoft Gaming, expressed his admiration for Nintendo's innovation; ➂ Microsoft is contractually obligated to bring Call of Duty to Nintendo systems; ➃ A number of Xbox exclusives have been brought to Switch in recent years.---