10/11/2024, 08:01 AM UTC
印度印度教徒袭击穆斯林的动机:关于杀牛和牛肉的怀疑Cows Slaughtering People
➀ 2019年6月至2024年3月期间,印度记录的印度教徒对穆斯林的袭击中,五分之一以上是由怀疑杀牛或拥有牛肉引起的。➁ ACLED报告称,一部分印度教徒的民团行动导致了社区间的冲突。➂ 政府对这些袭击的反应是沉默,至少有11个州政府禁止通过婚姻进行宗教皈依。➀ More than one in five recorded Hindu attacks on Muslims in India between June 2019 and March 2024 were motivated by suspicions of slaughtering cows or possessing beef. ➁ ACLED reports that vigilante action by a subset of Hindus has led to clashes between communities. ➂ The government's response to these attacks has been silence, and at least 11 state governments have banned religious conversions through marriage.