01/22/2025, 03:33 PM UTC
德国高校为移民工程师提供本地化资格培训German Universities Qualify Immigrated Engineers for the Local Labor Market
➀ 德国北莱茵-威斯特法伦州(NRW)的三所大学发起了名为'QualifyING'的项目,旨在为移民工程师提供本地化资格培训。
➁ 该项目包括理论和实践培训,涵盖DIN标准、时间管理以及演讲技巧等内容。
➂ 参与者如Ahmad Al Kejji和Olena Prykhodko的例子表明,该计划有助于移民融入德国劳动力市场。
➀ The program 'QualifyING' is initiated by three universities in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) to qualify immigrant engineers for the local job market.
➁ The program includes theoretical and practical training, covering topics such as DIN standards, time management, and presentation skills.
➂ Examples of participants like Ahmad Al Kejji and Olena Prykhodko show how the program helps immigrants integrate into the German workforce.
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