11/12/2024, 01:30 PM UTC
Reddit:三大关键催化剂将推动其股价大幅上涨3 Key Catalysts That Should Drive Reddit's Stock Much, Much Higher
1. Reddit近期通过提高广告加载量和吸引多元化的广告商来缩小了货币化差距;2. 通过翻译和数据许可的努力,RDDT的营收增长潜力得到了显著扩大;3. 尽管估值看起来较高,但由于广告商回报率、用户增长和每用户平均收入(RPU)的提高,预计从现在到2026年将实现25%的年化上涨空间。1. Reddit has recently closed the monetization gap by improving ad load and attracting diverse advertisers; 2. RDDT's revenue growth potential is significantly expanded through translation and data licensing efforts; 3. Despite the premium valuation, a 25% annualized upside is seen from now through 2026 due to higher advertiser ROI, user growth, and RPU.
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