10/08/2024, 09:00 PM UTC
树莓派发布12.3兆像素AI摄像头,承担AI处理工作Raspberry Pi AI camera shoulders AI processing workload
➀ 树莓派推出了一款基于索尼IMX500智能传感器的12.3兆像素AI摄像头;➁ 该摄像头支持多种神经网络模型在板载上进行处理,释放树莓派处理器的性能以执行其他任务;➂ 摄像头模块尺寸为25 x 24 x 11.9mm,售价约为55英镑。➀ Raspberry Pi has released a 12.3 Megapixel AI camera based on Sony's IMX500 intelligent sensor; ➁ The camera supports on-board processing for various neural network models, freeing up the Raspberry Pi's processor for other tasks; ➂ The camera module measures 25 x 24 x 11.9mm and costs around £55.