09/04/2024, 05:38 PM UTC
欧洲航天局、CGI和弗劳恩霍夫HHI探索欧洲民防安全框架的可能性ESA, CGI, and Fraunhofer HHI Investigate Possibilities for a European Civil Security Framework
➀ 欧洲航天局(ESA)委托进行了一项可行性研究,旨在整合卫星通信和地球观测服务以支持民防安全。➁ 该研究由CGI和弗劳恩霍夫海因里希赫兹研究所(HHI)牵头,旨在在危机和灾难情况下为受影响人群提供及时信息。➂ 重点是创建新一代的“数字市场”,以便快速访问集成的卫星通信和地球观测服务,利用人工智能技术进行自然灾害管理。➀ The European Space Agency (ESA) has commissioned a feasibility study on merging satellite communication and earth observation services for civil security. ➁ The study, led by CGI and Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI), aims to support civil security activities and provide timely information in crisis and disaster situations. ➂ A key focus is creating a new generation 'digital marketplace' for integrated satcom and EO services, leveraging AI technologies for natural disaster management.