03/13/2025, 10:30 AM UTC
微软飞行模拟器世界更新第19版现已上线Microsoft Flight Simulator World Update XIX is now live
➀ 微软飞行模拟器迎来了第19次重大世界更新,重点关注包括巴西、圭亚那在内的地区;➁ 更新增加了75个兴趣点、4个TIN城市、7个机场等更多内容;➁ Asobo工作室的团队一直在努力提高游戏对世界表现的准确性。➀ Microsoft Flight Simulator has received its 19th major world update, focusing on regions including Brazil, Guyana, and more; ➁ The update adds 75 points of interest, 4 TIN Cities, 7 airports, and more; ➂ The team at Asobo Studios has been working to enhance the accuracy of the game's representation of the world.---