09/16/2024, 02:22 PM UTC
医疗地产信托公司:与Steward Health Care的和解是一大喜事Medical Properties Trust: Steward Settlement Is A Big Deal
1. 医疗地产信托公司与Steward Health Care达成和解,允许REIT将物业租赁给新租户,减少不确定性和负面情绪。2. 尽管最近进行了47%的股息削减,REIT的股价在和解后仍上涨了30%以上。3. 医疗地产信托公司预计将控制23家医院,其中15家已租赁给新租户,表明NFFO有显著恢复的可能。1. Medical Properties Trust reached a settlement with Steward Health Care, allowing the REIT to lease properties to new tenants, reducing uncertainty and negative sentiment. 2. The REIT's shares soared more than 30% after the settlement, despite a recent 47% dividend cut. 3. Medical Properties is set to control 23 hospitals, with 15 already leased to new tenants, indicating a significant NFFO recovery.