09/02/2024, 05:20 PM UTC
海上风能系统的移动测试平台Mobile Test Platform for Offshore Wind Energy Systems
➀ 弗劳恩霍夫风能系统研究所IWES开发了一个名为Mobil-Grid-CoP的移动测试平台,用于对海上风能系统进行现实的全负荷测试。➁ 这项技术有助于这些系统的验证和认证,支持向可再生能源的过渡。➂ 移动测试台,放置在大容器中,可以被运送到风能原型机的现场,从而加快认证和部署。➀ The Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES has developed a mobile test platform called Mobil-Grid-CoP to conduct realistic full-load tests for offshore wind energy systems. ➁ This technology aids in the validation and certification of these systems, supporting the transition to renewable energy sources. ➂ The mobile test stand, housed in large containers, can be transported to the site of the wind energy prototypes, facilitating faster certification and deployment.
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